Santo Canyon & Aicha Cataratas.

The Ultimate Canaima National Park Trilha Expedition

Imagina isto…

DSC04600 2As you fly over the tepuis in Canaima National Park, gazing at the vast expanses of virgin rain forest reaching high into the sky and imagining what lives below in those dense forests and on those amazing tabletops. Maybe the trip can include a short flyover by special arrangement of Angel Falls, a powerful force of nature and one of the natural wonders of the world only discovered in the mid 1900’s, cujas águas mergulham mais de 3,000 pés. Angel Falls-o mais alto do mundo cachoeira-é uma das oito maravilhas naturais do mundo.

Land in a small village that time has forgotten, onde os indígenas (taurepanes) still learn and practice their traditions and speak their indigenous language. Enjoy participating with them in their folkloric dancing, até jogando futebol ou vôlei com as crianças.

Parta em uma jornada inesquecível com seus anfitriões Pemón, covering more than 50 kilometres on the 7 day trek, atravessar savanas gramadas, rios, através de florestas tropicais, suba colinas com vistas incríveis! Acampe em barracas ou redes, em floresta virgem perto de rios e perto de cachoeiras espetaculares.

Esta é uma viagem para pequenos grupos, realmente 2-6 máximo para o menor impacto e certamente aquele onde alguns amigos / família unida vai gostar de se relacionar.

This trip can be combined with a number of options, such as a riverboat trip or flight to Canaima and also a riverboat trip to Angel Falls. More information can be found on the regular site. All of course customizable for one or more people and depends on how much time you have to enjoy. Small groups preferred.

Pode-se também adicionar dias extras nas lojas Pemón de Uruyen / Kavak in Kamarata Valley and Canaima and to enhance your cultural experience upgrade your lodging by Canaima Lagoon – check out our video clips on the site for Canaima.

Faça Este Angel Falls Caminhadas sonho uma realidade

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This is a unique and somewhat exclusive expedition to an area seldom (if ever) visited by tourists – totally “eco” in every sense. Como parte de Angel-Eco Tours esta expedição, you will fly to Canaima National Park and land in a tiny remote Pemón village, surrounded by vistas of a plethora of tepuis (montanhas de mesa). Desta humilde aldeia, dependendo da hora de chegada, existem algumas opções de caminhadas curtas no primeiro dia até cachoeiras próximas / rios / beautiful locales, desfrutar de um mergulho refrescante e maravilhar-se com a paisagem e a serenidade! Interaja com as crianças / adultos da tribo nativa Pemon (taurepanes – one of the three tribes of Pemón) and experience their culture and lifestyle.

Parque Nacional Canaima é uma das grandes maravilhas naturais do mundo e um paraíso para os caminhantes. On your Angel-Eco Tours’ customized expedition, you will trek across grassy plains that never seem to end, through forests that reach to the heavens and across streams / rivers and of course interact with the friendly indigenous peoples.

This trek is very pristine, keeping to a tiny path hewn by the local indigenous, the vistas simply stunning. Chance encounters may wait of some of the local fauna that simply haven’t seen man! The jungle / surrounding areas have only been visited by the locals in search for food.

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During your adventure, you may encounter quite an array of birds, such as the ever present but illusive, bell-bird (campañero) – araras, tucanos, periquitos, papagaios, tanagers, beija-flores, , bem como muitas outras espécies exóticas. A terra também é rica em fauna exótica, such as panthers, onças-pintadas, antas, sloths and cappuccino / bugios.

The first part of the journey will take you to a huge spectacular canyon with a mysterious waterfall, or for years considered a “cave”, and the onlyoutsidersvisiting were a few of the more adventurous helicopter pilots and their clients. The waterfall changes direction and shape all the time – hence the locals considered this a Cueva de la Fantasmas (Ghost Cave). The shape-shifting waterfall says it all. Enjoy stories told by your local guides and porters of spirits that they have seen – quite mysterious.

Se você almeja uma turnê aventura de caminhada que é fora do comum e fora do caminho batido, look no further!

Esta viagem é moderadamente extenuante, possibly at times a grade 5, and is pretty much only available during the dry season – November thru’ June. This expedition includes lot of walking/trekking, swimming and camping in tents / redes.

We encourage travellers to bring with them items needed in the community and we would be happy to provide a list as such for consideration. They vary from educational and writing materials to volley balls, footballs, and clothing of course.

Obter inspirado – ver fotos de viagem!

Read a detailed 5-day itinerary sample.

Read a detailed 7-day itinerary sample.

We are happy to discuss with prospective travellers a more detailed itinerary, however for the sake of exclusivity, we prefer not to publish this on the site for the present. Needless to say it is special.

We have two itineraries available. One that can be completed in 4-5 days and another 6-7 dias. These start and finish in Caracas but can be combined with Angel Falls or other itineraries – even the Orinoco Delta. Of course all is relative and depends completely on your time available.

Resumo de viagem
Quando ir

Tours run during the dry season (Nov-May) as water levels make the river crossings too hazardous. Itinerários são determinadas pelo nível dos rios e outras condições locais. Claro, nosso itinerário é totalmente personalizável para atender às suas metas de aventura. Dependendo do tamanho de suas datas de partida do grupo podem ser organizadas para cumprir sua agenda. Grupos de 2-6 recommended.


Prices may vary depending upon exchange rates and our providers in Canaima National Park – por favor, pergunte para a citação. Gratuities are not included.

Verifique as taxas de grupo no momento da reserva.

Tours run during the dry season and are subject to water levels and prevailing conditions. Os preços incluem assistência nacional aeroporto e todas as transferências de terras e as transferências de ar, alimentação e hospedagem. Guides and porters included.


The Ultimate Angel Canaima Trekking Expedition (Full) – 7 dias / 6 noites

The Ultimate Angel Canaima Trekking Expedition (Short) – 5 dias / 4 noites

*Além disso, durante a noite em Caracas ou em outro local, conforme apropriado.


Accommodations in tents, unless you bring your own hammock. Last night – if in Uruyén or Kavak, beds are available. Conditions are very rustic you will be sleeping in tents or hammocks and bathing in the river.

Contacte-nos para reservar