Venezuela discovery tour (Sample itinerary) – fevereiro 16 – 19 2023


Tour de Descoberta da Venezuela otherwise called Green and Blue Venezuela Expeditiontakes you to Western Venezuela including the plains of the planícies, teeming with wildlife, the Andes and the coastal Morrocoy National Park adding a superb expedition to the base of Angel Falls em Parque Nacional Canaima. This journey is a perfect blend of nature, animais selvagens, relaxamento, culture and adventure lasting 12 dias, from the South East to the West of Venezuela providing a very active, authentic and photogenic expedition.

For further information or if you would like to join this tour contact us using the form below – or WhatsApp +58 424 156-6162.Os primeiros exploradores

Datas de partida

partir: 16 de fevereiro – Caracas

Fim: Feb 21th 2023 – Caraca6

Custo estimado

Approx.$1,400 to $1,800pp

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