Tour Guides & Operations Staff.

Arturo Berti

Languages spoken

Angel Falls, Venezuela - the tallest waterfall in the world 

Photo: Arturo at Angel Falls.
Born in Kamarata Valley, Venezuela; Arturo is the proud father of four and still lives in Kamarata, Canaima National Park. He is a regular leader of Angel-Eco’s trips to Kamarata Valley, Auyántepui and Angel Falls

He speaks English well and has a great sense of humour and of course his knowledge of the Pemón, their culture and surroundings complements every trip.

Benjamin Rodriguez

Languages spoken
English, Danish, Spanish

Ghost Canyon – Canaima National Park – Venezuela 

Photo: Benjamin enjoying a cachiri a break.

Born in Caracas. Ben has a family of two, is a good friend and partner for around 20 years. He speaks English, Spanish and even some Danish. Ben guided for some years but now spends more time in the office planning logistics for trips.

Lebski Zamora

English, Spanish, Latvian

Photo; Lebski Zamora (centre) – tour guide, guiding in Los Llanos.

Lebski, fondly known as Leo, lives close to Caracas on a plantation – he works not only as a tour guide but helps and teaches the local community kids about ecology etc. He speaks three or four languages and is a somewhat of an expert with birding and animal recognition.